Thursday, May 9, 2013

Child See, Child Do!

As children learn to do things they observe those around them and see how they do things. Many children learn to talk, eat with silverware, and do so many important things through the use of observation. Set an example that you will be proud to have your child follow.

I would strongly recommend that everyone teaches their children through their actions.

Stewardship is something that children will (hopefully) learn through the examples around them.

Fr. Patrick Peyton, who was involved with the Family Rosary Crusade, once said, “A family that prays together stays together.” As a child my family used to gather in one bedroom to pray before bed together. Whoever's bedroom we prayed in was the person who was allowed to choose which prayers we would say. I learned about the importance of having a dedicated prayer life from the example and the importance my parents placed on that time every single night.

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