Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


How do we spread love at home in our community and even outside of our community?  
Anyone that has ever given a gift to someone else has probably felt love through the excitement of the recipient, though a gift is not necessary for spreading love. A smile. A high-five. A compliment. Even a conversation. All of these can spread love to others and also be a way for us to be Christ to others. Share the gifts and talents God has entrusted to you with others that are in need!

l.i.n.c. is a non-profit organization that stands for Love in Neglected Communities. The mission statement as provided via their website states, "We aim to provide neglected youth with the support needed to alleviate hardships, promote well-being, and facilitate growth, giving them the chance to not only survive, but to truly live, love and thrive."

This ministry has developed through the hard work of several young professionals. Currently they are working to raise enough funding to build a new home for a community of orphaned children in Nairobi, Kenya, to provide them a safe environment with access to water, food and education.

How can I help to spread love outside of my own community?
Easy! You can easily donate straight to l.i.n.c. or you can enjoy a fun at their inaugural golf outing, which will directly impact the orphanage project. The golf outing is planned for Saturday, August 10, 2013 at 2:00 pm at Paradise Lake Country Club (1900 Randolph Rd. Suffield, 44260). Tickets include 18 holes of golf and cart, drinks, lunch and steak dinner.

Maybe you don't have the funds to attend this event, but you'd still like to spread happiness--so consider volunteering. Erin is organizing this event and would gladly share the volunteer needs that she has, send her an e-mail:

Maybe this isn't the right way for your to share love in neglected communities--so find your own way to do so, but if it is a just right fit for you, complete the registration information! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Giving to God this Summer #2

Be WELCOMING through the sharing of your gift in the following ways:

Volunteer as a Greeter and/or Minister of Hospitality (Usher) at any Mass. Greet parishioners and visitors as they arrive to and leave from Mass.
Contact Tom Peltier if you'd like to share your welcoming gifts: 330-836-6123 or or Contact Paul Heil to share your welcoming gifts: 330-665-1082 or

Join the Welcoming Ministry and meet new parishioners and help them become acclimated with the parish. Getting to know new people and introduce them to the parish and other parishioners is a great way to share your talent for being welcoming.
Contact Jim Kilcoyne if you'd like to share your welcoming gifts in this way: 330-929-7431 or 

Greet families that are having a child baptized and help their child through the Baptism day. As a Baptism Greeter you represent the entire parish community by helping families feel at home in the parish and in the ritual of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Contact Beth Rado if you're interested in greeting families for Baptisms: 330-867-1055 ext. 206 or

Friday, June 21, 2013

Giving to God this Summer # 1

Share your MUSICAL talents in one of the following ways

 Sing or accompany at the ALIVE Mass by attending practices from 4:00-5:30 Mass begins.
Contact Stephen Garchar to join this ministry: 330-788-5537 or

Sing or accompany at the 9:00 Sunday Mass through the sharing of your talents in the Contemporary Ensemble led by LuAnne Toth. Stop up and talk to ministry members after Mass to join in.  

Cantor at Mass. You would get the honor of leading the congregation in song throughout the Mass. Contact Carissa Young if interested in this ministry: 330-867-1055 ext. 202 or


Perform music at the Creekside Farmer's Market on Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 pm in Copley.
Contact Carin LeSeure if you'd like to help: 330-221-4510  

If you're musical consider sharing your gifts and talents 
with others this summer!