time in Eucharistic Adoration from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm in the church
on the first Wednesday of each month or every other Wednesday of the
month from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm in the Reservation Chapel. This is a
wonderful way to answer Jesus' own question: "Can you not keep watch one hour with me?"
Contact Carissa Young to commit to a specific hour each week: 330-867-1055 ext. 202 or cyoung@sthilarychurch.org or stop in as you're able
All men, 16 and older: consider attending the Men's Group on the second Saturday of every month. This is a wonderful way to deepen spirituality as a Catholic Man as well as a way to develop community with other men of the parish.
Contact RJ Bradner for more information about becoming involved with this ministry: 330-666-8940 or rjbradner@yahoo.com
the women of the parish for a program on the 5th Monday of months with a
5th Monday, Journey Women. Spend time in prayer, journaling, reading
and sharing at Sand Run Park at the Shady Hollow Pavilion. Next opportunity is July 29, 2013 from 9:00 am-2:30 pm.
Contact Beth Rado if you're interested in deepening your spirituality with the women of the parish: 330-867-1055 ext. 206 or brado@sthilarychurch.org
Join a Small Christian Community to pray, share life experiences, grow in faith, and be a source of support to one another. These small groups of 8-12 people usually meet in parishioners' homes once per month.
Contact Pat Schnee for details or to find a Small Christian Community that will fit your schedule and style: 330-867-5008 or patschnee@gmail.com