Monday, July 8, 2013

God wants us to care for the blessings we've been entrusted

God entrusts us with much. Talents. Family. Friends. A good mind. Time. Money. Possessions. A vocation. And many more blessings that aren't listed.

God wants the best for us. God wants us to be so much and do fulfill our purpose. Through the Bible we can read about 500 verses on prayer, and fewer than 500 verses on faith, but there are more than 2,500 verses about money and possessions. God wants to guide us on how we should handle the things with which we've been entrusted.

Take a look in the good book if you need help in discerning how to manage your blessings--it's a wonderful guide!

I never realized just how many scripture verses deal with money and possessions. God will provide for our needs, we just have to trust and have a completely balanced life of Stewardship!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


How do we spread love at home in our community and even outside of our community?  
Anyone that has ever given a gift to someone else has probably felt love through the excitement of the recipient, though a gift is not necessary for spreading love. A smile. A high-five. A compliment. Even a conversation. All of these can spread love to others and also be a way for us to be Christ to others. Share the gifts and talents God has entrusted to you with others that are in need!

l.i.n.c. is a non-profit organization that stands for Love in Neglected Communities. The mission statement as provided via their website states, "We aim to provide neglected youth with the support needed to alleviate hardships, promote well-being, and facilitate growth, giving them the chance to not only survive, but to truly live, love and thrive."

This ministry has developed through the hard work of several young professionals. Currently they are working to raise enough funding to build a new home for a community of orphaned children in Nairobi, Kenya, to provide them a safe environment with access to water, food and education.

How can I help to spread love outside of my own community?
Easy! You can easily donate straight to l.i.n.c. or you can enjoy a fun at their inaugural golf outing, which will directly impact the orphanage project. The golf outing is planned for Saturday, August 10, 2013 at 2:00 pm at Paradise Lake Country Club (1900 Randolph Rd. Suffield, 44260). Tickets include 18 holes of golf and cart, drinks, lunch and steak dinner.

Maybe you don't have the funds to attend this event, but you'd still like to spread happiness--so consider volunteering. Erin is organizing this event and would gladly share the volunteer needs that she has, send her an e-mail:

Maybe this isn't the right way for your to share love in neglected communities--so find your own way to do so, but if it is a just right fit for you, complete the registration information! 

Giving of our First Fruits

Have you ever stopped to think how you spend the 24 hours in a day?

What do you allot your 24 hours for each day? This week I'm taking time to take notice of what I'm spending time on so I can become more aware of where I'm wasting time and how I might allot more time to God. Time for God should really be like time for sleep. If you take the 24 hour day, most people would try to allot 6-10 hours for sleeping (some people need more and some less). That's kind of automatic. If we have a job we probably automatically allot 7-10 hours for work (depends on the day, right?).

After I factor in sleep time and work time I'm left over with between 7-9 hours of time to spend on other things...think about how your days are broken up and what are you giving FIRST to God before scheduling in tv time or "play time."

What  are some of the things you give a high priority to? Does prayer time rank there? Just take time to ponder!